For just £10 a month, you’ll be entered into all draws and could win amazing prizes every day
Sign up to play today to helps us reach our target to launch our 1st draw.
Win 1 of 5 £1000 Jackpots
How do we get bigger jackpots? We need you. All of you.
We need your help to grow, which will allow us to generate bigger and better cash prizes for our members, and also allow us to donate more to the charities and causes in our communities.
Win 1 of 12 Shea Love Body Butters
Shea Love London is a black owned cosmetics company founded by Naomi Wynter from home whilst working as a district nurse and juggling motherhood.
Black Card Lottery is excited to showcase black owned business across the UK, via requiring there products or services for our small prizes daily draws.
Win 1 of 19 Shifted Code Books
Elijah Frederick, the author of Shifted Code – from Digital to Reality, published his first book at the age 13.
Since publishing his book, copies of my book has been sold in the UK, Caribbean and the U.S. During lockdown 2020, Elijah was nominated for ‘Outstanding Young Person’ award by Blac Awards 2021. He is also the Head Boy at Westside Young Leaders Academy. (His WYLA blogs are a must read).
The Black Card Lottery believes this young leader has a bright future ahead of him.
Again, we can't do this without you. Our first target is to have 1,000 members, which will allow us to generate bigger and better cash prizes for our members, and allow us to donate more to the charities and causes in our communities.
*Jackpot totals will vary based on how many members are playing each month. You will be informed every month the jackpot totals.